Goog Celebrity
Dear Friend
I am Engr. Owen George a petrochemical/oil exploration engineer engaged on
contract to one of the consortium firms engaged on exploration of oil &
gas.I need your collaboration to investing in your country.

Can you assist me and two other colleagues to "SECURING AND INVESTING"
some funds ($5.7m) raised from sale of crude oil and gas? Get back to me
for more details. Thank you for your anticipated partnership while your
response is expected if you are capable.

Waiting for your response.Send your response to (

Now my questions are:-

1. Can you handle this project?................
2. Can I give you this trust?.....................
3. What will be your commission?.............
4. Your full name..........................................
5. Your phone/fax number.............................
6. Private email address...............................

God bless you and your family

Engr. Owen George.